It's about a ten minute walk from where I live to my brother-in-law and sister's house. On this particular day my sister was over with her two little girls. They were getting ready to head home and my niece asked me to walk with them. I agreed and we were off.
The final stretch to their home is a back alley of sorts (technically it's labeled as a street) with a raised sidewalk on one side. The older of my two nieces stepped up onto the edge of the curb.
"It's time to balance," she said. "Hold my hand so I don't fall."
And then she took my hand. Sometimes kids are far too bold and confident for their own good. Other times I think we can learn from their ability to recognize and admit when they need help.
Her words hit me in a weird way. Maybe because of all the things on my mind and heart of late. The learning to balance responsibility, ambition, and relationships, all in what seems to be an overwhelmingly busy schedule. In the busyness of life I tend to prioritize everything but my time with God, the very thing I need most.
I'm so focused on trying to gauge whether or not I have the ability to complete all the tasks at hand. I'm so distracted on how I can manage all the things I need and want to do. I'm so busy trying to catch all the balls slipping out of my grasp.
But what if I stopped.? What if I prayed, "It's time to balance. Hold my hand so I don't fall."
What if my focus was on Jesus? What if my eyes were on Him rather than the waves of things I have to get done?
In Matthew 14 the disciples are caught up in a storm. Jesus comes walking on the water to them.
Peter answered Him, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." He (Jesus) said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord, save me." (Matthew 14:28-30)
While Peter's eyes are fixed on Jesus, he's balancing on the waves. He is doing something far beyond his capability in and of himself. But he notices the waves and the wind. He gets distracted and he starts to sink.
The good news is God's grace is greater than our ability to distract ourselves from Him. He is kind enough to catch us when we fall even though we really should have been holding His hand all along.
Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him (Peter), saying to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" (Matthew 14:31)
In the busyness of life even better than a perfectly laid out plan (not saying wisdom in planning is bad; in fact it is good) is fixing our eyes on Christ. Sometimes we've got to trust Him and step out of the boat regardless of our ability to sail. Despite the wind and waves seeking to knock us over, let's trust Him to help us balance and keep us from falling. Let's live our lives beyond our capability, full of the joy and peace He offers and promises. Let's be kids holding the hand of someone so much bigger than us.
Thank you for this. Yes, it's good to plan--trustingly and wisely--and be ready to abandon the plan when so led.